Saturday, June 22, 2013

#30daychallenge Day 6

Hi guys! Sorry for the many hiatuses I have been taking from this space so far, have been caught up in so much stuff recently. The haze fiesta in Singapore has just passed (and won't come back again hopefully) and I thank God for sending winds to blow the haze and impure air away from this tiny island. Nursing a sore throat, cough and fly right now though, so hopefully that goes away soon too! I'm back with another #30daychallenge post, took so long to write this, but it's here now!

Today's topic was actually suggested by my friend, who's currently doing this challenge together with me! ^^ (you can visit her at and I had quite a lot of fun envisioning and writing out the topic. Abit under the weather currently now though, so pardon me if my writing has been below-standard. Anywayyyy, enjoy!

#30daychallenge - Day 6
If I Were An Animal, What Would I Be?
22nd June 2013

A small bullet whizzed through the clear blue sky on a bright summer morning. It moved at such a quick speed that it could barely be spotted by the humans that were far below on the ground. It had been flying for quite some time now, and along the way, it had seen endless fields of green littered with rustic red and white farmhouses and barnyards, winding rivers that glittered like crystals under the strong morning sunlight, brown and black specks of cattle that were sprawled all over the pastures beneath. The swallow would have to find a place to roost soon, its wings were getting tired.

I have always loved birds. When I was still a kid, I would see documentaries on TV that showed different species of birds, on land, in the sea, and in the air. I loved how they spread their wings so widely and flapped with such ease as they glided through the sky. Even in my most favourite classic literary piece, Heidi, I was fascinated most by the eagle that lived in the soaring peaks of the Alps, where she would return to every evening without fail. Then I closed my eyes and tried to imagine how her cries would echo off the mountain ridges into the valleys below so everyone would know she was there; home.

When I got my hands on my camera and started being a tad bit interested in photography, I snapped at whatever I could find. Trees, buildings, random people, everything. But then I remember when I was on a holiday in Yunnan, China and the tour guide was showing us around this national park. Coincidentally, it was winter time, and we were in time to spot the most beautiful gathering of gulls at the lake's edge. I couldn't stop being excited, in front of my eyes were flocks of gulls, too many white specks to count individually, and they were making such a ruckus pleading to be fed by the bird-lovers with crumbs in their hands. I randomly pointed my camera at a lone gull, roosting on the ground, and got the prettiest shot of it stretching its wings, looking so innocent and adorable. From then on, bird photography is something I always try to experiment with, because I love how majestic birds look on screen and in pictures.

If I had a chance to depend entirely on nature to keep me alive, to migrate from continent to continent following changing seasons and climates, to fly halfway across the world while feeling the different types of wind blowing past me, to see the whole earth from an aerial point of view, and have not a care in the world at all except where and how I was going to touchdown in my new environment, I would gladly be reborn as a bird. Flying high, and flying free.  

If you had a chance to be your favourite animal, what would it be? 
Thanks for reading! ^^

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