Sunday, August 11, 2013

#30daychallenge Day 9

I'm back after a crazy week of events! So sorry for going missing again guys, I've really been busy, what with a brand new semester starting and all, but I promise not to neglect this space for too long at a time! I know I have been lagging severely behind, and I honestly intended for this to be a one-shot-30-days kinda project, but I guess I have to modify that slightly because of the lack of time. ):

Anyway, here's Day 9 of the #30daychallenge! I hope you all enjoy reading hehe. :D

#30daychallenge - Day 9
If you've owned pets, list them here. If you never did, list pets you would like to have
12th August 2013

Since young, I have owned a variety of pets. Hamsters, rabbits, fishes (the most gorgeous blue fighting fish with a fancy swishy tail), a dog, guinea pigs... You name it, you have it. I loved them all and developed a connection towards each and every one of them, and as I grew older, the attachment to each pet grew stronger as well. 

I must say I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford so many pets, and the experiences I have with each one of them have been joyful ones for me, precisely because each pet was different and special in my eyes. Cliche, right? I don't know what other pets I will continue to have in the future, but the pet I would like to have would be the same one I once had and once loved with all my heart. 

                                          My incredibly handsome boy. 

I first got Cola when I was really young (like, 8 years old?), and when he first stepped into my house and into my arms, my young self promised I would never let him go. He was by my side for a good 12 years, before he finally grew old, passed on and left this world. I'm gonna dig up a post I wrote about him, because I don't think I could have expressed myself better than that. 

Listening to the radio now, this familiar song is playing once again.
I miss you waiting for me to come home, I miss the smell of your fur when I hugged you close every time I was sad, I miss how you were always the one to catch my falling tears.
I know you have departed from this world, so many years ago, but the time when you were there for me was one of the periods in my life I wouldn't forget.
You gave me the strength to approach others, to have confidence in myself, just knowing you were there to support me gave me all the courage I need.
But now you're gone, I have lost that special buddy I used to turn to when I was lost.
I know you are up there somewhere looking down at me, still wagging that golden brown tail of yours, wishing that I will be happy in whatever decisions I make.
I too, hope you are well. You taught me to give my all and be loyal to The people around me. And after all these years, you still hold that special place in my heart. No one or nothing will ever replace you, that is for sure.
I hope you are happy, Cola. I will always miss you, always love you.

- June 25th, 2012. 

You were once there for me, through every single up and down I faced, I knew I could tackle all the problems that were staring at me just because you gave me the strength to. Every day when I came home, I would feel so much better because of the way you looked up at me, every day I was reminded that there was somebody on earth that loved me regardless of how lousy I felt. I remember the day you left us, I refused to go send you off, because I was stricken with grief and crying under the covers at home. I blamed myself for not going to see you one last time, but I knew I couldn't bring myself to. Like I have said probably a thousand times, you are special to me, and even if you aren't physically here anymore, you will always be Cola to me, the dog that brought so much happiness to my life. Blogging about you makes me cry every single time, because deep down, I really, really miss you. I miss having such a steadfast companion, I miss the times when I could scoop you up and cuddle you close whenever I wanted, and how you were always that happy recipient of my affections, but not only that, you were an excellent giver of your love as well. 

I know you're in a better place now, and I am happy for you, Cola. 
Sending my love from earth. 
I love you. 

Oh goodness, this turned out to be such an emotional piece of writing, I have tears in my eyes now. Dogs are like humans in so many ways. To those who have dogs of their own, give them a hug and a kiss today alright? I don't think we can find better friends who stick by us through the good times and the bad. Hope you didn't get bored reading my (quite) long, sappy post. A happier one next time! 

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