BUT! Its so fascinating in that it is written in an entirely unknown language, with weird illustrations of plants and animals and food and humans and hybrids etc etc.
"The book is an encyclopedia in manuscript with copious hand-drawn colored-pencil illustrations of bizarre and fantasticalflora, fauna, anatomies, fashions, and foods. It has been compared to the Voynich manuscript, Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius, and the works of M.C. Escher and Hieronymus Bosch."
I really, really love this kind of stuff! So when I found an online PDF copy of the book, I was super excited to browse through it. It was the entire book so it took pretty long to load up, but it was so worth it! The next half an hour I spent scrolling through page after page of colourful drawings of the most surreal pictures ever. I found it pretty therapeutic to look at those drawings and imagine what the author was probably trying to convey. I don't think people would bother wasting time on this like me, but then again, I think of the amount of time and effort put into creating this masterpiece and I get thrilled and excited all over again. Oh well, maybe I'm just weird like that.
I find the image on the right really adorable for some reason, imagine if trees could do that, they would never die out due to lack of water. Something awesome hehe
Weird birds. The way in which he illustrates his ideas really, really appeal to me, I don't know why too. Just very.. thought-provoking.
Most of all, I really love the COLOUR. The illustrations are all SO colourful and vibrant just looking at them makes me happier.
Hehe there are so many more pictures and I could take forever to think of what they could possibly stand for, but that's for me to do in my own free time. This post is kinda random, but that's what happens when I can't get to sleep.. You can explore this awesome work of art if you're as bored as me too!
http://www.cetteadressecomportecinquantesignes.com/Luigi.Serafini.-.Codex.Seraphinianus.pdf (thank God for online literature)
What if such pretty, obscure imagery came to life? I reckon it would be like living in a fantasy world, I definitely would embrace such oddity. (: Goodnight guys!
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