Monday, December 28, 2009

If Only

If hearts were unbreakable,
I would tell you exactly how I feel
You might think I’m a fool for acting this way
But believe it or not, these feelings are definitely real

If rejections never hurt,
I think the world would be a much better place
People wouldn’t be afraid to hide their feelings out of fear
They would learn to treasure the ones they hold dear

If words didn’t sting,
I would sing a million songs for you
Songs with lyrics filled with what I wanted to express
And hopefully, you would sing them back to me too

If only, those two words ring in my mind
The two saddest words in the world
They represent so many regrets of life
If is too strong a word, it is filled with lies
It can cause hearts to flourish with happiness,
It can also cause hearts to break, and die

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I wish upon a thousand wishing stars
Stars that fill the night sky
That somehow one day my dream would come true
That I would be able to be with you

When shooting stars fly past
People clasp their hands and make a wish
But I hold back the tears
I know my wish, can never be granted

As long as we stay friends
I promise I will try to stay happy
I’ll bury those sour feelings deep in my heart
And move on with a smile, no matter how hard

I really wish things could go back to what it used to be
When I felt that there was just you and me
Sadly, things just changed as time passed
I really hope the friendship we have, will last

Happened to see some stars in the sky that night, and somehow came up with this off the top of my head again. I used to have a knack for conjuring things up like these last time, but not so sure about now. Getting harder and harder to do so..

Monday, December 7, 2009

Love Is,

You’re the one that made me see
Loving someone is not about being with him or her
It’s about being happy when he or she is happy
And not regretting when you look back in the future

Love is selfless giving
It is learning to fully let go
Supporting that special person
Even when he or she may not know

Love is giving your hundred percent
In trusting that one person
Who might have overlooked your existence
But to ignore him or her, you have never found a reason

Love is when the person isn’t by your side
And you feel sad and blue
But then you never take it to heart
Because you know he or she is always there for you

So corny, but it was off the top of my head. Haha. One of those crazy poems you never thought of writing, but still do in the end anyway. 

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Four Seats

The dark grey skies shed large drops of tears, which slowly fell to the earth , the pavements , roads and grass. As the drops of water splashed onto the surface of the earth , they were accompanied by a giant symphony , the crashing of thunder , flashing of lightning . What a accompaniment. She left the house with a pink umbrella in her hand,  to shield her from the rain. As her feet connected with the ground , it sent raindrops splashing everywhere. How she loved rainy days. She waited at the sheltered bus stop , waited for the bus that would soon come. As she heard the rumbling of vehicle wheels , she smiled to herself , and folded her umbrella.

As she stepped onto the bus , safe from the surrounding rain and wind , she looked around her. The warmth of the bus enveloped her . As her fingers closed around the familiar railing at the side of the bus , she trained her eyes in front of her. There were four seats , all of them occupied. Her eyes started from the left.

She saw a child. A small boy playing his PSP , without a care in the world. He had no problems in his life , he looked forward to everyday ahead of him. It was just pure fun , laughter , and joy. Sweet innocence was all that filled his mind , he did not have to worry about the world until he was much older. She smiled to herself , looking at the small child , how she wanted a life similar to his. She wanted to be free from worries that engulfed her everyday.

Her eyes moved to the person sitting next to the child , a teenager in his school uniform , on his way to school. He was listening to his iPod , legs stretched out , looking relaxed. But who knows what was going on in his mind ? Her thoughts went back to when she was a teenager herself. The most exciting , yet most heartbreaking moments in her life. When she went to school , made new friends , enjoyed herself . When she met her first love , and experiencing that sweet bliss. Once again , she smiled. Then she thought of how she failed in her studies , failed her parents’ expectations of her , broke up with her boyfriend. The memories came flooding back , each memory stronger and a stab deeper into her heart each time. She opened her eyes , halting the thoughts of her past.

Next was an ordinary working woman like her. She could see dark rings beneath the woman’s eyes.This woman , reminded her so much of herself. After graduating , she had started working. Everyday was just a routine , going to work , coming home , sleeping , repeating that cycle. Life was incredulously mundane for her. She was tired of the working world , the politics going on around her , of life itself. She hardly took a break , simply because she never could find the time. She was waiting for the day when all of this would end , when she could truly experience what her perception of life was. Relaxation , carefree , happy moments. She let out a soft sigh.

The last in the row was an elderly woman. As she focused her eyes on the woman’s face , she could see wrinkles. This face was weathered throughout the years , and she could see tiredness in the woman’s eyes. She had gone through the different stages of life , from a child , to a teenager and then to an adult and presently. She wondered what it would be like when she was going to be like this elderly woman. Would she be free from her troubles? Or would she be so immersed in everything that she would be a bitter old woman ? That was not what she wanted to be. She crossed her fingers , hopefully.

Ding dong! The bell made her snap back into reality , away from her thoughts. It was time for her to alight. As she exited the bus , she thought of the four people once again. Life was unexplainable , and she should make the most out of it. She smiled , opened her umbrella , and walked into the rain.