Thursday, January 16, 2014

Belated New Year

Here's my promised New Year post! Haha actually wrote out a long long chunk of words, but in the end, I decided to delete it and just post a short one for all of you to read. Shouldn't be too long-winded in the start of a brand new year right? I hope 2013 was a really good and meaningful year for all of you out there!

Written on 3rd January 2014, 

2013 was a year of ups and downs for me, there were happy moments and sad moments, there were ridiculous moments and just a lot of in between nua-ing moments doing absolutely nothing and pondering on life. What I found different was how 2013 seemed to pass by so quickly. Everything just seemed to happen one after the other and in the libnk of an eye, I was counting down to a new year, in the place I was so familiar with and in the company of my loved ones. That being said, I feel last year was really a period of growth for me, in so many areas and I really learn to thank God for the situations He put me in.

At the beginning of 2013, everyone was busy making resolutions, except me. I figured that since I never fulfilled my resolutions anyway, I would just welcome the year without any sort of goal setting whatsoever. Then, a few days into 2013, I stumbled upon an image:

And I found it pretty cool and made a decision to follow through it. I know it is probably even more challenging than making resolutions, but I am so pleased to say that I have done it! 365 days, several hundred slips of colorful paper, and a physical record of the happy moments that happened every single day. It was really tough some days, I felt so tired but now I look back and I'm glad I have something that embodies the year in words so well. 

Throughout the year, thoughts regarding my future emerged time and again. I have mentioned before that I am someone who really fears uncertainty, and every time someone questions me about my immediate plans after graduation, I am at a loss for words. In the event that I will most probably be graduating in 6 months time, this question has been magnified a thousand times. Honestly, I am still unclear about what is in store for me, be it in terms of a career, in terms of relationships and friendships, and also fulfilling life goals in general, but I have to admit that I am scared, but at the same time, I am really anticipating what is to come. I was talking to God one night, and He revealed to me that 2014 is going to be a year in which great things will happen. A really close friend shared with me the same revelation a few days before 2013 ended, and hence, I will really throw in 100% effort to trust God for the future.

Of course, I want to thank all the people in my life for walking through 2013 with me. As I grow old(er), I know that my emotions have become much more unpredictable and there were so many times I just didn't feel in the mood to talk, but you guys still stuck by me. For this sole reason (and countless more), I am greatly appreciative from the bottom of my heart.  

I will remember everything I have done last year, be it minor things, major life decisions, every tear cried and every smile. From weekly Masterchef and Junior Masterchef nights (Thank you Rachel for squealing with me over cute contestants ^^) to relaxing more than I ever intended to during the December break (Watching Bang Bang Tang oldschool videos on replay from day till night), falling helplessly in love with a country and having such a strong desire to return for the first time (I will be back for you, Taiwan) to all the cafe, restaurant, kopitiam and gelato dates with my dear friends and family, to watching a fair number of musicals with le best friend (Thank you Vanessa, I hope we continue watching musicals together well until we are really old), to staying back in school every single night nearing the examination period (A first for me, never desired to work so hard in the area of academics before), to countless bus rides and walks home alone late at night (Which I will always, always treasure because I know that I could never get those days back again). I have experienced so much love and care in 2013, I would not trade the world for any experience I have gone through.

Once again, thank you 2013 for the memories. 

That being said, may 2014 be a jolly good year for all of us! 

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